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Old 05-October-2006, 18:17
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Thanks for the response - I will take the router out of the box and try the upgrade - I use skype for voip so no problem.
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Old 04-November-2006, 00:45
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

hi everyone, i am new to this forum , and to having the very model hub,i also have a bt home hub.
i am trying to find the file they want to upgrade the business hub.
is it some thing that is on system?
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Old 04-November-2006, 14:45
unlokia unlokia is offline
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

@Icarus1701............ can you read?. Try the thread starter!!!!!!
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Old 09-November-2006, 15:49
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

i try to upolad the firmware but i keep getting page cannot be displayed
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Old 14-November-2006, 11:54
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SmileRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Hi Unlokia!

Just wanted to add my thanks for your hard work. I "repaired" my BT router using your instructions and the range is fantastic! As for the VoIP issue, who in their right mind is going to pay BT's rates anyway?

Nice work!
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Old 16-November-2006, 17:41
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###


I have been able to reprogram my modem/router with the recover 425 firmware but cannot get a dsl connection.

The braodband led just keeps flashing even after trying the setup wizard and trying numerous keycodes from the 2wire website.

I know my dsl line is OK as it works fine when I reconnect the talk talk modem.

Can anyone suggest any fixes as I am not getting any joy from 2 wire??

Thanks in advance,

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Old 24-November-2006, 20:19
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

I've just bought one of these from ebay, was brand new and sealed. I have followed the instructions to update the firmware and it now loads up as the SBC version. However, my wireless settings only let me go up to level 4. Also I only have a choice of 3 wireless channels.

Have I missed something here?

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Old 24-November-2006, 21:17
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

I have now got the router connecting to the internet vie ethernet connection.
I had to reset the factory settings and start again (used the manual key code from 2 wire website).

I am now having the same problem as scream, only 4 power settings and 3 channels.

I can connect via wireless and connect to surf the web but I get "cannot display page" on certain websites (ebay, webmail) however google etc are OK.

I have been in touch with 2 wire support, they suggested chaning the power setting to 10 and the channel to 1 or 11.........this isn't possible.

I am waiting their next reply and will post the solution, hopefully soon.
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Old 25-November-2006, 18:46
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

The way these hubs are locked, is they periodically contact a BT server and if the username and password registered with the serial number for that hub don't match what you have put in, it resets them.You don't need to reflash the hub just to get it to work with another ISP all you need to do is go into the 2700 configuration page gateway.2wire.net/managment and add an entry into DNS Resolve.

cwmp.cms.smehomehubrms.bt.com with the IP adress of

Because is not the proper address for cwmp.cms.smehomehubrms.bt.com the 2700 will fail to contact it and therefore will not get its details changed by BT.
This works, I have been using it on my 2700HGV for weeks now with no problems and still allows content screening etc to work.

Kchris, contact your ISP and find out what your MTU setting needs to be. I know this problem happens with AOL as I believe they need to be 1473 (but don't quote me on that figure, it's been a while since I set up a hub for AOL) and gives exactly the symptoms you describe.

Last edited by Mongoose; 25-November-2006 at 19:11.
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Old 26-November-2006, 13:18
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SmileRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

I did this yesterday and set the output level at 10 (you can only do this though ). I do get a good signal around my house (with many internal brick walls) but it only matches my existing routers' signal; which is a Netgear DG834N. So I'll probably put it back in box for 'a rainy day'.
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Old 02-December-2006, 05:32
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Sooo, out of curiosity - anyone tried flashing HomePortal 1000SW with this f/w version? Am I buying a one-way ticket to bricking my router?
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Old 02-December-2006, 19:27
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TalkingRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

how do i get in to the bt business hub if i am using tiscali, to change the firmware

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Old 04-December-2006, 12:59
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UnhappyRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

hi to all

i have just go the bt business hub from ebay , i am using tiscali as my isp ,
when i conect the equipment the broadband lights goes green and usb
light is green, but the internet light stays red ,when i try to log in to the hub
it comes back with bad gatway , any ideas ,

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Old 04-December-2006, 14:47
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

If the hub is still running the BT firmware (you'll see the BT logo on the settings screen) make sure you have done the DNS Resolve I mentioned in my previous post or the hub will contact the BT server and reset it to the previous account. You also need to check the settings are correct for your Tiscali account.
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Old 05-December-2006, 14:31
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UnhappyRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

hi to all

try to upolad the firmware but i keep getting page cannot be displayed, when connected to the hub , any way i can get in the router, still on tiscali

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Old 05-December-2006, 16:17
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Your not using Onspeed by any chance are you? If you are, you need to stop this first, then you can access the hub. Try just typing "home" (without the "" and no www, just, home) in your web browser address bar and see if that takes you to the hubs basic user setup page.
Being on Tiscali won't stop you accessing the hub.
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Old 07-December-2006, 23:11
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QuestionRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###


first of all thanks for info from mongoose, i have got in the hub, flashed it with the new firmware, rebooted, connected the broadband, the light went green but the internet ligt is still flasing green , i know i have to put the isp info in , but where do i do that ???

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Old 07-December-2006, 23:39
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Sorry, I can't help much on this one as I'm still using the BT firmware and don't know how the new firmware works. Maybe someone else who's using the new firmware can help out here.
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Old 08-December-2006, 09:56
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UnhappyRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

hi all

anybody out there with the info on how to set to new isp on the hub
am using tisacli bb,


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Old 08-December-2006, 12:07
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###


Walk me through it, if you don't mind...

Have myslef a 2wire 2700hgv and could really do with the extra range on the wifi...

when prompted to browse, can not locate the "system software file" (.bin, .imi .2sp)...
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Old 08-December-2006, 12:58
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SmileRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

site found useful for the business hub 2-wire


gives the user and installation guides
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Old 08-December-2006, 13:22
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UnhappyRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Hey! unlokia - GREAT!
I bought a 2700HG-B from the US without cables or PSU but no prob.
PSUs on eBay and I have bits for RJ11 connectors.
Can connect on but get the symptoms other guys have had.
I managed to download the 2sp file OK. Thanks.
However the link fails after redirecting me to a japanese ISP.
Any idea where I might find this file - I'd REALLY like to be a g33k!
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Old 08-December-2006, 17:33
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Hi there,

a bit risky messing around with Radio frequencies dont you think as could fry your brain
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Old 10-December-2006, 19:07
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Hey! unlokia - GREAT!
I bought a 2700HG-B from the US without cables or PSU but no prob.
PSUs on eBay and I have bits for RJ11 connectors.
Can connect on but get the symptoms other guys have had.
I managed to download the 2sp file OK. Thanks.
However the link fails after redirecting me to a japanese ISP.
Any idea where I might find this file - I'd REALLY like to be a g33k!
Originally Posted by fopetesl View Post
DUH! It's (of course) IN the Router itself!

So I went through the 'upgrade' and everything seemed OK at first.
I powered down and moved the Router to a point where I could plug in the DSL cable.
Still doesn't find a DSL link AND I can no longer connect. The DHCP server works OK and I can link via Firefox except that i only get blank pages. ALL the html seems to have disappeared. Any help here, please?
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Old 10-December-2006, 20:55
patioheater patioheater is offline
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

It really does work Honest
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Old 11-December-2006, 12:22
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QuestionRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

It really does work Honest
Originally Posted by patioheater View Post
Might work for you patio but not for me.
All our professional g33ks seem to have deserted us.Might even have to bin it
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Old 11-December-2006, 13:37
patioheater patioheater is offline
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Might work for you patio but not for me.
All our professional g33ks seem to have deserted us.Might even have to bin it
Originally Posted by fopetesl View Post
I am trying to get another one off ebay for my isp boss at the mo to unlock for him.
Don't bin it m8, if the worst comes to the worst I will do it for you
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Old 11-December-2006, 16:41
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

I am trying to get another one off ebay for my isp boss at the mo to unlock for him.
Don't bin it m8, if the worst comes to the worst I will do it for you
Originally Posted by patioheater View Post
Yo! Will not forget your offer m8e but please remember I have NO GUI even though it still is a DHCP server and I can ping all its addresses. Just no html comes back when I connect in a browser. I read on another forum that it's either a JTAG reload or send it back to 2wire which just isn't worth it.
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Old 13-December-2006, 10:23
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DefaultRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

Hi Folks,

I noticed this thread and it's just about stopped the router going in the bin.
I recently grabbed one of these boxes with a BT Business service and was intended to use it as an additional router however I came across a couple of snags with it.

Firstly I find the gui VERY stupid. I personally hate these interfaces that make configuration automated. I prefer the option to be able to say..."no thanks" I'll do it myself! The Port forwarding configuration for example relies on every machine in the network having a qualified DNS name in order to be able to easily distinguish between the machines, other wise you need to know hardware addresses for every machine in the network! Ridiculous!

Secondly, by default the firewall on this box allows BT to remotely administer the router from their call centres. Whilst talking to a BT engineer in "Network Support" he dialled in (without my knowing) and started changing my settings for me. When I realised what he was doing and suggested he asked for permission he became apologetic and logged out but I'm not allowing that TBQFH.

My questions are: Does the Gui interface get better with this firmware upgrade? and Does the firmware upgrade close off the firewall properly?
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Old 13-December-2006, 11:25
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SmileRe: ### Unlocked Firmware For Bt Business Hub (2wire) 2700hgv ###

hi all

i got my business hub to uklock using the firmware provided and it now works on the tiscali broadband connection, i have not tried the wireless option yey, i waiting for my usb connections from ebay

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