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Old 24-November-2005, 15:49
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DefaultTiscali customer Services

Anyone had a good experience with Tiscali customer services ???

This is what I endured earlier today, thought I would share it with you:

Tiscali geek> “Hello whats your phone number?”

Me> “014** *****2”

Tiscali geek> “Whats your name”

Me> “name”

Tiscali geek> “dateofbir…..”

Me> “I’m sorry.”

Tiscali geek> “Whats your date of birth…..Sir….”

Me> “7th of the *th 19**”.

Tiscali geek> “What’s wrong”

Me> “I’m trying to upgrade my broadband online to the broadband and phone service, but it gives an error. Can you help”.

Tiscali geek> “Hold on”





Tiscali geek> “You’ve alreblurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

Me> “Pardon”

Tiscali geek> “You’ve already got broadband ….. sir…..”

Me> “Yes I know, I am trying to upgrade it”

Tiscali geek> “You can do that online”

Me> “No I can’t, it won’t work.”

Tiscali geek> “Hold on”





Tiscali geek> “What package did you want?”

Me> “It was the 1MB unlimited broadband with unlimited phone calls”

Tiscali geek> “Right that’s done. OK”

Me> “Oh, right. Why didn’t it work online ??”

Tiscali geek> “I don’t know”

Me> “OK thanks”

Tiscali geek> “……………”

Me> “Bye then”

Tiscali geek> “……………”


Cool huh. They must be trying to save costs by not speaking too much. Or perhaps they are doing a sponsored rudeness day for Children in Need!!!
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Old 24-November-2005, 15:52
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

welcome to TS!

tbh going on previous encounters with tickly I'd call them up next week and check what service you are on,. they have been known to mess up the most simple of operations...

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Old 24-November-2005, 16:02
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I must admit, I was worried when I joined, about what sort of service I would get. However, I've been with them for 18 months now and everything's been sweet. I am currently paying for the 512K unlimited Broadband service and since day 1 I've been getting 1MB speeds with no problems at all.
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Old 24-November-2005, 16:20
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I was with them on adsl for a few years and the connection was reasonable (pings weren't great) but in the end poor customer service made me switch (and they wouldn't do fixed IPs either)

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Old 14-December-2005, 20:06
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

Anyone had a good experience with Tiscali customer services ???
Nope, never . There customer service sucks, i was on the phone last night stuck in a que waiting for an operator to become available for about half an hour.

I would have carried on waiting because i wanted to talk to them and find out what the hells happening but after getting told by a machine to please hold the line they hung up on me !!!!
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Old 11-May-2007, 20:48
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Thumbs downRe: Tiscali customer Services

Nope, never . There customer service sucks, i was on the phone last night stuck in a que waiting for an operator to become available for about half an hour.

I would have carried on waiting because i wanted to talk to them and find out what the hells happening but after getting told by a machine to please hold the line they hung up on me !!!!
Originally Posted by daydreamer View Post
Tottally agree. Tiscali Customer Services isn't. Had a problem receiving e mail that weren't addressed to me. Twenty e mails later still not resolve and they keep going around in circles saying I should phone their "Technical" department. It's their system not mine! There are words to discribe Tiscali Customer Services but none that can be used on this site. Those people that have had no problems with Tiscali ought to consider themselves lucky because when something does go wromg watch out!i
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Old 11-October-2007, 17:01
Tiscali Cust Serv
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I work for Tiscali Customer Services.

So if anyone has any issues they would like me to look at, then please don't hesitate in asking.
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Old 03-November-2007, 20:58
cheesed off
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AngryRe: Tiscali customer Services

Does no one hear the phones ringing at Tiscali, have been trying to contact Cancellations for nearly 3 weeks. Also tried Milton Keynes Office, deserted!!!!
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Old 19-December-2007, 14:17
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

LOL at this poster working at Tiscali Customer Services!

Talk about job dissatisfaction.

I had Tiscali Broadband and i worked fine until Tiscali decided to upgrade the line. They sent me a letter specifying the date the work would be done and completed by.

Come that date, the internet stopped working. It never worked again. I made more than 19, yep that's nineteen phone calls to Tiscali to try to resolve the issue. I wasted hours on the phone answering inane questions about router types etc.

Eventually i got my own engineer who identified the problem (a BT engineer). We passed the fault to Tiscali who amazingly seemed to be aware of it all along.

By October (this is 5 months on) the service was still not restored (it was a minor fault as well). Finally i cancelled the service (which took 45 minutes on hold to do). I requested a refund for all the months without broadband but still being billed.

Last week they sent me a cheque for 2 months out of the now 6 i was without broadband but still paying. They still owe me 4 months. I have now written to Tiscali giving them 28 days to pay as a final act before taking them to court and suing for ALL costs.

My advice to anyone is to never ever sign up with Tiscali. The customer service and support simply does not work. They cannot manage any repair process.

Tiscali is the single worst service experience i've had in near 40 years. Total incompetence coupled with total disregard for the customer.

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Old 30-January-2008, 19:39
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

Yes, I agree completely that Tiscali customer service absolutely sucks.

I signed up for their broadband package a month ago - since then I have received no router, nothing.

I tried emailing them on and was told by tech support to phone them.

Ok, I phoned them (14 mins on hold) and was told that their engineers were doing work on my exchange, and that I should phone them again in 5 working days. I've already been waiting a month !

Oh, and if I wish to complain, I should phone the same number I had just called... but they couldn't transfer me.

I live in a residential area - I simply refuse to believe that there is a problem with my exchange!

Needless to say, I'm going to be cancelling.
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Old 05-March-2008, 18:54
Happy Person
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

In my experience, I would highly recommend Tiscali. I ordered Tiscali Talk Unlimited, 8Mb Unlimited usage Broadband and Tiscali TV, all for an amazing £19.99 with NO BT line rental on top of that......I've not seen a deal better.

The customer care representatives have all been very polite and helpful.

The engineer who cam to install my TV equipment was on time and quick to update my scabby old BT sockets.

When I phoned to upgrade to Tiscali TV Plus, it was all done in a matter of seconds and an engineer booked and arrived the following morning! Try getting any other company to be so prompt!!

To the poor whingers who have had some problems, name me a company who are absolutelyu perfect. Just search the net and forums like this and you'll soon come across whingers talking about some other company.

It's about time that people who have had great service spoke out and tell it like it is.
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Old 10-March-2008, 10:49
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

Happy person,

I must presume you are a tiscali mole who is simply on this thread to annoy others. Like one of the posters above, I would have to say that tiscali are quite simply the worst customer service experience I have ever had in over 30 odd years. To call people "whingers" can only suggest that you've got some vested interest. In my own case I have been 46 days without broadband service for the simple crime of requesting an upgrade i.e. wanting to do more business with tiscali.

My "case" is being handled by "High Level Complaints" - supposedly the top of the tree and the simple matter of reconnecting me cannot be achieved - but the worst of it is and this is the point that most "whingers" as you call us will make, is that nobody, but nobody within tiscali seem to give a toss. No information, no call backs, no answers to communication.

quite simply, tiscali in many cases are guilty of a) breach of contract, b) fraud - offering goods & service for sale that they are not providing... but as I say above, the real crime is not giving a toss about their customers.

So, either you are fortunate in that you have never ever had to contact customer services with a problem, or as I say, you're actually from tiscali and are stupidly trying to annoy people on this thread.
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Old 13-March-2008, 20:17
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Thumbs downRe: Tiscali customer Services

I currently have 512KB service from Tiscali - well, make that should have, as it's been on and off for about a month...

I reported it online 2 weeks ago (what a waste of time that was!), and never heard anything back. I then called them 5 days later, only to be told that the agent couldn't find the call I had reported online - despite me opening up the webpage and reading out the reference number from the screen!

I had to log it over the phone then (so whats the point in having an online fault reporting tool?), and was promised an engineer would contact me back within 3 working days.

5 working days down the line, I still hadn't heard anything, so I rang up, and asked to speak to a supervisor. Was told he was on the phone. I was rather suprised they only seem to have one supervisor for the whole of the call center!

Was promised a supervisor would call me back tonight, as well as the 2nd line who should have called me back previously - they've got 2 hours remaining of the window they set themselves!

I know exactly what the problem is, as I used to work for broadband 1st line support (and was a lot more helpful than they are!), but they just dont want to listen. The thing that really gets me is when they say "I know how you feel sir" - NO YOU DON'T!

Next stop, Watchdog
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Old 15-March-2008, 12:49
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

How right you are. We;re in dispute with them and the most frustrating thing is when you are told by a twerp 3000 miles away, without the command of basic English, "to listen, and try to understand, I will tell you the English way"
AAGGHH! Unbelieveable. Up the last couple of months, they've been fine, it just seems they have transferred to a call centre in outer Mongolia somewhere and they just don't give a damn about the customers who are paying their ruddy salaries! Ah well, on we go - next step Ofcom/Watchdog/anyone that will llisten!
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Old 25-March-2008, 19:49
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

Where do I start!

Hours of phone calls, 2 emails and 2 letters later and I still don't know if I've managed to sever my links with these incompetent morons! What a great deal it looks on paper. Ha, try to get it!

All that I've received from tiscali are lies, hassle and a huge phone bill on an 0871 number! I can only assume that they routinely screw up the simplest of operations purely to boost revenue to their 'help' line. in my case, 10p per minute, 125 minutes and I'm telling them where the problem is.

I've pasted an extract from the 3 page essay I posted them recorded delivery last week so you can see the scale of the porkies they are prepared to tell to get you to go away!

...........He then proceeds to tell the following lies!

1. My internet was provisioned on 26th February. I called BT about this. They only received their first request from Tiscali on 10th March (a day before the original installation date. Hmm fishy.......) and would not be provisioned until 26th March.

2. The reason that my internet will not work is that Tiscali broadband is SO FAST my line and modem just can't take the super-duperness of it and all of the information is ‘sort of clogging the line’. The BT engineer said that he had never heard such nonsense!

3. The line at my house could only accept UP TO 2meg broadband. Again the BT engineer confirmed that the line would support AT LEAST 2meg (probably between 4 and 6 but they rarely promised anything above 2)

James had given me a BT line to call (0800 1690934) to confirm (or in my case disprove) all of what he had said. The fact that the line was for ISP's only and not for the public did not dissuade me from finding an engineer who would confirm everything I suspected.


Anyone having trouble with broadband connections, call the above number and blag your way to an operator - they are a breath of fresh air and will let you know the exact state of your line.

I'm trying Virgin. I hear bad things about them but they surely can't be this appauling!
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Old 14-April-2008, 15:43
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AngryRe: Tiscali customer Services

I have been phoning them for 3 weeks now and I know all the tracks on Leona Lewis's album as thats all you get, I cannot get my Tiscali T.V to work, Broadband was not working for 1 week and corrected itself. Tiscali seems like a good deal but I suppose the old saying is you get what you pay for. As soon as I get some kind of contact I will be cancelling and going back to B.T.
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Old 14-April-2008, 18:45
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services


Basically they'll fail to do anything, they certainly don't call you back! You need to cancel BEFORE they provision your services. Phone them to cancel (allow a couple of hours for this one...), then Email them and send them a letter recorded delivery quoting who you spoke to and the log number (which you need to ask for) or they'll try to shaft you like they did me (trust me I'm not going to go into too much detail but my last post is well out of date and my fury is worse than ever!). I got a reply to my emails only when I threatened to report them to OFCOM for not replying to emails within 7 working days as stated in their terms and conditions. Kill it - Kill it now and save yourself the grief.

Oh, and cancel your direct debit, that really upsets them.......................

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Old 15-April-2008, 17:44
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

when you ring tiscali techical help here's what they will always ask you
clear you browsers web history, check the connections settings, maybe in command prompt ipconfig/all and asks you to read it to him, then you get the usual has your computer got spyware? are there any extensions between your pc and bt socket if so connect your pc direct to bt socket, then are you using filters? what modem are you using? then once you have done these things (some 15 mins later) he will ask if you still have a problem, if so he then does his tests wich i would imagine to be pinging your ip adress maybe tracert as well as i doubt there is much else he can do, then you get we will do some more tests and arange the call back wich is a rare occurence to say the least so lets see some 30-40mins in a que waiting to speak to indian call centre then another 15 -25mins going thru the bullsh*t = a total 1hr 05 mins and possibly will of cost you £6.50 and chances are that it never solved your problem
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Old 18-April-2008, 08:47
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

Hi all,

I'm still being charged, months after cancelling, so I've researched how to complain:

Ofcom (http://www.ofcom.org.uk/complain/internet/) say that if you've spoken to the ISP about your problem, with no resolution, then the next thing to do is to make a formal complaint.

According to Ofcom, 'You should find details of how to do this on your Internet Service Provider?s website - if you can?t find these details, the company?s customer service staff will tell you how to make a formal complaint'.

Well, there are no details of how to complain on the Tiscali website, but according to the Tiscali billing dept. (0871 222 3311 - option 2), this is the address to write to :-

Tiscali customer service
PO Box 7206
Kiln Farm
MK14 6XG

Make sure you put 'CC. Ofcom' at the top of your letter. The Ofcom address is:

Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road

Good luck!

Last edited by i_hate_tiscali; 18-April-2008 at 09:15.
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Old 18-April-2008, 21:19
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I've been working in the Sales department of Tiscali for eight months now, and I signed myself up for a service back in November. Was connected in December and, other than a few problems with billing cock-ups, have had a perfect service, even through server crashes in the area. I'm not here to promote Tiscali or try to **** you guys off in the slightest; just putting in my two pennyworth.
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Old 18-April-2008, 21:45
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Thumbs upRe: Tiscali customer Services

Which you are quite welcome to do Pixie.

Why don't you sign up and join us?
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Old 26-April-2008, 13:32
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I never got any problem from Tiscali - until I wanted to stop their services. I spent about 4 hours on the phone trying to cancel broadband - then had to call another number to cancel the phone service. Of course it wasnt a free number! figures!
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Old 07-May-2008, 23:40
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

it would of been if you had of rung their head office number normal landline, (if on bt with free landline calls package) and asked for high level complaints im sure if you were persistant they would of transfared you as they can do that but will tell you to ring other number other way is to write to them or involve other org 's cisas or ofcom
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Old 29-July-2008, 12:35
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AngryRe: Tiscali customer Services

Just to say I've had a real problem cancelling since April. Trying to get my money back. They seem to have problems with this even though they can see I have moved home since that month and did not take their service or disservice with me. And same probs as everyone else, writing to HO, on the phone for hours.

Anyway, did contact bbc's watchdog and bbc radio 4 you and yours but both said they'll keep it on file and maybe it can be active if others contact them too. So, to sort Tiscali out why don't you all write to the following:

Your local Trading Standards office

Office of Fair Trading
Fleetbank House
2-6 Salisbury Square
London EC4 8JX

Watchdog You & Yours
BBC Watchdog BBC Radio 4 You and Yours
201 Wood Lane 201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TS London W12 7TS
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Old 29-July-2008, 13:40
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I and i'm sure plenty of dissatisfied customers of tiscali already have done so,but it would seem that they are like tiscali not very interested,or they think it is not important enough,as for getting some compensation cisas are the people to get in touch with ,It's sad that isp's in the uk are not regulated better, then things such as this most probably would not be happening on such a large scale
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Old 19-August-2008, 16:44
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

I can empathise will all the above complaints about Tiscali.

I moved into a flat in early July where there was an active Tiscali account in the name of the previous tenant. She spent the next 4 weeks requesting cancellation of the account (despite having originally requested it in May). Tiscali kept saying they would cancel, but they never did. Eventually they called her, and the landline number in the flat saying that cancellation was impossible unless she or I called BT. At this point we made a private agreement that I would be a named user on the account and would take over the bill payment. Tiscali were asked not to cancel the account. When I received a new wireless router, I could still not access the internet. 2 hours and much shouting to make myself understood later, Tiscali said they would call back with a resolution. 4 days later (no phone call from tiscali), a letter arrived to the previous tenant saying the account had now been cancelled.

I then spoke to their head office in London as I could not handle overseas call centres anymore. I was told the cancellation had to go ahead, but that when it went through, I should call back, set up a new account, and I would also receive 3 months free for my troubles. I did this, and the sales team said everything would be ok (naturally, when speaking to commission-based staff!). I then received a letter to say that it was impossible to set up the account as it was not a BT line in the flat. This despite the fact that there has been a Tiscali account there for about 2 hours. None of Tiscali's technical or customer services staff could explain this. Neither could their complaints dept. They advised I contact BT. I did this and they said the line still had Tiscali's equipment on it.

I have now signed up to BT. Life is too short to deal with Tiscali. I feel sick just thinking about them....
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Old 30-August-2008, 22:37
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

Why don't you all email your national tabloid newspaper, which is what I have done, and they got back to me the very next day, asking for my contact details, and a bried outline of the problem and they would contact Tiscali on my behalf.

I also added URL's for this and a few other Tiscali customer complaints forums, just so they can see what's happening.

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Old 18-September-2008, 13:59
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AngryRe: Tiscali customer Services

We have been with out broadband for nearly 3 weeks and quite honestly the customer services at Tisali are beyound belief and pure supidity! they tell me they do not have an out side line to contact me!! "not very good for a communications company" but they are happy for me to try and talk to them time and time again on their 0871 number and charge me 10p a minute for rubbish service that they do not provide.

I have to make contact with Tiscali in my office (BT Service provider that works) to make frustrating calls and emails that really is a waste of time!

My suggestion to everyone is " GO AND USE ANYONE APART FROM TISCALI"

Mr Unhappy Jenkins.
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Old 19-September-2008, 15:52
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services


I have just been on the phone with Tiscali sorting out an issue that has now been outstanding for over 11 months - I won't bore you with the details, its long, tedious and frustrating.

HOWEVER, I WILL tell you that I was given a very useful number for Tiscali's High Level Complaints Department, which is based in Selkirk, Scotland and has a local London number, which forwards directly to it. Apparently, they do not advertise it as its supposed to be for high level referals but I was told by the guy on the phone that "people use this number regularly"... so come on my friends, be ONE of those people!!

I dunno, maybe I shouldn't advertise it publicly, I would be breaking their code of trust, wouldn't I?




Good Hunting!!
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Old 20-September-2008, 00:06
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DefaultRe: Tiscali customer Services

mm, there probably is even higher than that one,"ofcom complaints"as the so called high level complaints are just as useless in getting your bb as it should be as those based in india are,because tiscali want it that way, of course you can call them on the normal land line numbers, but do you end up with a better service? NO is the answer,well was in my case,they are outsourced too by a company called 'BECOGENT' another waste of your the bill payers time as i've said in other posts tiscali tactics are to prolong the contract for as long as possible,that is their goal, because the longer they do so ,the more they take from you the customer,so in reality forget getting a good always on reliable service from these sharks, get your mac and get yourself's a decent isp
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